LEAPP offerings
LEAPP coaching
Dive into a deeper understanding of how you most want to grow, get clear on purpose, then start making progress in that direction.
The commitment: Weekly 45-minute individualized coaching sessions. Typical initial contract is for 3 months.
LEAPP workshops
Partner with Tim to design and facilitate either a 2-hour or 1/2 day interactive custom workshop with your team.
The takeaway: A core presentation, facilitated conversation, and design thinking, all designed to meet specific co-designed outcomes.
LEAPP Retreat
Take your team to a beautiful retreat center outside of Asheville, NC for a 1-2 day retreat. Lodging and food on-site.
The program: A series of customized workshops, optional mindfulness activities, and a host of outdoor adventure opportunities.
Maximum 30 people.
LEAPP year
You've heard of the Gap Year; why not a LEAPP Year?
Work with Tim to map out a full year of activities, travel, conversations, and partnerships to radically enliven and transform your life.
Bonus: Unlimited coaching access.